Main Ratan Result | Satta Matka | Main Ratan Result Game Play
In the most sacrosanct and whoever did not show the video of the trick that extracts two digits, three digits and four marks of our welfare, then put them in the link in the description. You can also see them if you want. Look and see how the trick of taking out the three digits of Ratan is. satta matka main ratan So see how you can extract three digits, I will tell you how to suppose that we have to find the day of Tuesday. To take this Tuesday day, suppose Popat is ahead of the Mughals, so what you have to do is to take this Monday pair, but also to beat it.
This Mon Margie duo was asked to take knowledge, this 18 number went to write it and this 18 number pair had to be changed, our formula was good money to put 70 numbers.
Main Ratan Satta Matka
Now after applying this formula, you have to go from back to plus. Now look at the plus drop and the intake intake intake and six. Three Malang Chacha Tera Tiranga main ratan result today Three To Give You The Right Work A unit company is one kilo and seven intake six easy and six were now six and eight six and eight 14 4 8 but not one.
With Abe and three 10 three and four together now four and nine 13 were done. Now Action Hero and Seven Sharman Three and Seven Zero are now consumed and consumed. Now what you have to do is this Libra: When you mix the digit, take two numbers ahead of you if you take the number at night. Now you can play these numbers for the next three open two closes in the market on Tuesday. main ratan matka result Now see if you believe that now Wednesday itself is ahead, then the 90 number of Tuesday night pair Padmani Tuesday was written as erection nappa number. Put your form next to it, number 670, now it has been reversed from behind and Zero and Seven Seven 6 with Tera Hero and Six Sticks Kinnaur Night Night. Now it's minister days,
Trinity Night Sex Night Pipe Hero Nine Nine Nine Fight Four Now Four and Night Olympic Three Now In Three, take you two points ahead of these four and this fight will now be your OTC ready Tripura Fight. The market fell there but electric closes had passed. Now see, now see as if you now take out the game of Grover Market, then you have to put your formula next to main ratan today result Wednesday's pair of footpaths, Seventy three number, definitely one to three. Three six woman hairdresser Suman Attri became zero. Now this fellow minister arrows Atri Nai, you are a Nigerian barber, now Vinod to Tu Tu Nai one. They are now this four and this fight thriller Fight, so what have you got the game for Grover Market, went to Abe's Paw Paw Open on Sripur in Guruvar Market, but now where the game has been played, if I show you the game here,
Main Ratan Satta Result
I will hit the phone now To remove 100 route games, you have to catch the game on this Friday. The number of incidents involving the elderly is number one. Now write down the number without it. Now its form next to it is 670 number. Now you can do it from behind plus Rosie Roshan Samwan Good Paisa Tera Nine Splash Channel 15 days 12 years 3 10 5 3 8 Today, I took you to Zero At Eight 68. 15 Arbitration 13 Now take two houses forward Tripur Fight, see if the inter-class closes Delhi class has passed, then people in the market have done this trick. Now I can show you more because they will be a little longer there
so you can see that the strip's record is very good, I checked it for a very long time, so I got a very good record of it. If you want, you can use this trick to play satta main ratan open to close and whoever created the channel and keep our channel suspended because our channel is currently in the canteen of Ratan Kalyan Market and Rajasthani Night